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Serious about your online course business?
If so, it pays to get the legal stuff right.
With a 5-Step Legal Plan, and a range of ebooks, we enable you to protect your course content, avoid being sued, comply with important laws, and keep what you earn in your pocket.
Only need to understand a specific topic or two? Get one or more of our ebooks
Protect Your Course Content
This first ebook of the Online Courses and Legal Stuff series explains how you can protect your valuable course content from content thieves and copycats.
Use Others’ Content Safely
This second ebook of the Online Courses and Legal Stuff series explains the cans and cannots of using other people’s content in your course materials.
License Content, Get Promotion
This third ebook of the Online Courses and Legal Stuff series explains how to encourage people to promote your course by licensing content to them.
Master Your Email Marketing
This fourth ebook of the Online Courses and Legal Stuff series explains how to conduct email marketing without breaching privacy and anti-spam laws.
Have a Privacy Statement
This fifth ebook of the Online Courses and Legal Stuff series explains why you need a privacy statement, what it should contain, and how you can get one.
Shield Yourself from Lawsuits
This sixth ebook of the Online Courses and Legal Stuff series explains how you can protect yourself with disclaimers, refund policies, and terms of use.
Created by an experienced lawyer
Law of Course, The 5-Step Legal Plan for Online Course Creators, and the Online Courses and Legal Stuff ebook series are the creations of Richard Best, a lawyer who has been working on the legal stuff for 25 years, first as a litigator and then as a technology and commercial lawyer, in both in-house and law firm roles. He has practised law in three countries and been exposed to the laws of many more. His practice sees him getting deeply involved in matters relating to technology, contracting, intellectual property, privacy, and social media, to name a few. He’s a lawyer that gets into the trenches too, having created his own blogs, ebooks and audiobook, his own and others’ websites, online contract generation tools, an online privacy toolkit, and his own courses. You’re in safe hands.
The 5-Step Legal Plan and ebooks have been designed for course creators in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.
Just after some quick pointers?
Fair enough. Getting the legal stuff right might not be at the top of your list at the moment. Don’t forget, though, that not getting the legal stuff right – getting the legal stuff wrong – can have very negative consequences. With that in mind, and to help you start thinking about the things you need to be thinking about, we’ve whipped up “17 practical legal steps to help you create great course content, protect yourself, and keep your money”. It’s free. Hope you find it useful. (Feel free to share it too, as it’s Creative Commons-licensed.)

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